Thu, 13 Jan 2005

Then things will get ugly...

... If we made debhelper build-essential.

Package: debhelper
Depends: perl (>= 5.6.0-16), coreutils | fileutils (>= 4.0-2.1), file (>= 3.23-1), dpkg-dev (>= 1.7.0), 
         html2text, debconf-utils (>= 1.1.1), binutils, po-debconf

But, Scott, you do have a good point. 92% of the archive is not an insignificant amount.

[21:01] [/Debian] [permanent link]

Wed, 05 Jan 2005

It's Not Called Giving Up

It's called stopping. What are you giving up?

Jesus, As much as I applaud your success at stopping smoking, it annoys me when it's made out to be some sort of epic challenge that has to be overcome, and kept at bay.

When you can mentally be on top of it from the start, it's no issue.

For anyone else that's planning to stop this year, Go and read this. I swear that it will change your view on smoking and nicotine addiction, and you'll have stopped without all the struggle that everyone else whinges about.

[21:03] [/Life] [permanent link]